Monday, August 25, 2008

Knife Block for Knife Sadists or Circus Fans

There are knife connoisseurs and there are people who love the circus. Back in the early days of the circus, there were the knife throwers who thrilled audiences with their skills of accuracy and daring. In 1938, the infamous Wheel of Death was introduced and a moving, spinning target upped the dramatic tension of the audience. Nowadays, knife throwers aren’t as prevalent, but everyone owns knives and everyone knows that you need to store your knives in knife blocks. They are important to keeping your fine cutlery in tip top shape.

The gadget-loving people over at UrbanTrend feature the Throwzini’s Knife Block, which causes no apparent harm to the hapless red dude strapped to it. This knife block covers both the functional and whimsical (and sadistic!) in your knife block requirements. Store the five included stainless steel knives (held in place by magnets and protective sheaths) in a tortured game of Wheel of Death where you mercifully miss the red guy who is strapped onto this spinning Wheel of Death.

You can soon turn your kitchen counter into a three ring circus or a Barnum & Bailey worthy sideshow in no time! Well, as soon as they secure their patent and put this great knife block into production. I’d buy one!


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